Lou Miller starts a salswoman at her father's shop.


Ginger Miller starts a salsman at his father's shop.


Ginger Miller Marries Janet Riggs.


Early Spring, Janet Miller gives birth to Tara Miller.

Early Winter, Janet Miller and Kika Miller becomes saleswomans at the grocery.





Autumn Equinox, it is raining, amd Ginger Miller gets bored. He asks his sister, Lou Miller, if she can take care of the shop allone, while he have some fun with Janet Miller.

Then Ginger Miller persuades his other sister, to care of his daughter, Tara Miller, before he opens a bottle of Lannon's Cherry Wine and offers it to Janet Miller, while they're snuggling together.

Early Winter, Janet Miller discovers she's pregnant again.


Late Winter, Lou and Kika Miller leaves Malbourgh to go to Winefork to see the cherries grow.

Early Spring, It is raining, when Lou and Kika Miller are arriving at Upper Tamwood.

Lou and Kika Miller are booking a lodging at Javis VanLidth at The Tamwod Gate, and make them self comfortable in the snug.

The cousin of Lou and Kika Miller, Gwilym Belley, enters The Tamwod Gate, and engaging himself in a cozy chatting with Lou Miller.

Next day, it is a sunny day, and Gwilym Belley takes a walk in the forest Lou Miller, while Kika Miller is playing with Burch VanLidth.

At a clearing at the forest, the cousin of Lou Miller, Gwilym Belley, nails Lou Miller in the sun.

Spring Equinox, Lou and Kika Miller are traveling to Winefork, to see the cherry trees flower.

Late Spring, Lou Miller discovers she's pregnant, and suspects Gwilym Belley to be the villain, who made her pregnant, so she has to go back and find him.

Early Summer, When Lou Miller accuses Gwilym Belley of making a child on her, the aunt of Lou Miller, Constance Belley, gets very angered, and demandes, Gwilym Belley Marries Lou Miller.

Midsummer, Syreeta Bellerby makes an excellent midwife for her niece, Janet Miller.

Janet Miller gives birth to Patricia Miller.

Syreeta Bellerby examines Lou Miller, too, and sends Lou and Kika Miller to her brother, Buster Liebermann, at the pharmacy, to get some contraception potion for Lou Miller to minimaze the damage.

At the pharmacy, Moira Liebermann sells Lou Miller two crates of contraception potion, but asks her to wait until she has given birth, before Lou starts drinking it.

It comes to a rage between Moira and Edward Liebermann, who accuses her and Kari Bellerby to being too sloppy, when instructing the corect use of the contraception potion.

Edward Liebermann offers Kika Miller the correct use of the contraception potion.

The firm instruction for the contraception potion resulted in Edward Liebermann popping the cherry of Kika Miller.

Shamefully, Edward Liebermann tells, he's sorry, but Kika Miller says, it was wonderful, but Edward needs to be hush about, what he'd done.

Late Summer Sir Patrick of Malbourgh Marries , Gwilym Belley to Lou Miller.

Early Winter, Lou Belley gives birth to Rory Belley


Late Winter, Kika Miller says goodbye to her sister, Lou, and her husband, Gwilym Belley, to go to Winefork to see the cherry trees flower.

At The Cherry Tree, Kika Miller books a lodging. Kyle Farry shows Kika Miller her accommodation, and when she kisses him, and asks for some think to eat, he blushes.

Kyle Farry goes out cooking some food for Kika Miller.

When Roderic Lannon talks to Sheilas Farry, about a position for Faye Broock at The Cherry Tree, he learns, a dealer from Malbourgh, Kika Miller, has arrived to see the cherry Trees at Winefork.

Roderic Lannon immediately suggests Sheilas Farry, Faye Broock can work as a maid on The Cherry Tree, to take care of the dealer.

While Sheilas Farry shows Faye Broock her accommodation, Roderic Lannon goes see the dealer from Malbourgh, Kika Miller, whom a blushful Kyle Farry is serving her a meal at the snug of The Cherry Tree.

When Faye Broock reappears, Roderic Lennon starts serving samples of wine, they can taste. Faye Broock and Kika Miller cheerfully make hilarious fun, and get pretty drunk, before they all go to sleep.

Early Spring, Kika Miller and Faye Broock wakes up with hangovers next morning, and Kyle Farry has to serve breakfast for Kika Miller and Faye Broock, because Fays is unable to, and the girls get a cheerful morning.

Kika Miller likes to see the cherry Trees flowering, and promises Kyle Farry a kiss, if he takes Kika Miller and Faye Broock out to see the flowering trees. Kyle Farry takes blushing the girls to the forest.

Huggy Kika Miller and Faye Broock make cheering remarks at Kyle Farry, when he shows them the flowering the cherry Trees, and Kika Miller is cuddling him to make him blush.

Kika Miller and Faye Broock have a jolly day at the forest having heleriously fun with Kyle Farry by making him blushing.

At The Cherry Tree, Kika Miller likes, Kyle Farry to serve wine and supper for herself and Faye Broock, while she's cheering on Kyle Farry and petting him to make him blush.

After supper, Kika Miller starts snuggling with Faye Broock and starts kissing her.

At night time, Kika Miller giggling cuddles Kyle Farry, and asks him to dream of the two naugty girls until tomorrow when he takes them to the forest again. Then she invites Faye Broock to sleep with her tonight.

Kika Miller is kissing Kyle Farry good night, before she and Faye Broock resign to the lodging of Kika Miller, where she make love with Faye Broock.

Spring Equinox, Faye Broock is coocking breakfast for Kika Miller and Kyle Farry. Kyle Farry is getting used to the cuddling of Kika Miller and do not blush any more.

While Kika Miller and Faye Broock are snuggling together as usual, Kyle Farry is cleaning up after breakfast, before the all three go to the forest under the cherry tree.

In full flowering, the cheering of the huggy Kika Miller, chach the attention of Jonathan Tripler, who's out exsamine the flowering of the cherry trees.

Jonathan Tripler is showing the cherry flowers to Kika Miller, and Kyle Farry is relieved to get rid off the cuddling of Kika Miller, and spends a cosy day with Faye Broock under the cherry flowers.

At the end of the day, Jonathan Tripler is daring to kissing Kika Miller, and hoping to see her next day under the cherry trees.

At night time when Kika Miller and Faye Broock are snuggling in bed, Kika exposes to Faye how alluring, she finds Jonathan Tripler.

Next morning Faye Broock gets out of bed and kisses Kika Miller goodmorning, before she goes down to cook breakfast to Kyle Farry and Kika Miller.

At breakfast, Kika Miller is only talking about, how cute, she thinks Jonathan Tripler is, and can't wait to see him again.

While Kika Miller and Faye Broock are snuggling at the table, Kyle Farry is cleaning up after breakfast, before he takes the hugging girls out at the forest.

Late Spring, One morning, when Kika Miller and Faye Broock are snuggling as usual while Kyle Farry is cleaning up after breakfast, the wife of the brewer, Gabriella Lannon, and their, son, Atticus Lannon, appeares at The Cherry Tree.

Gabriella Lannon likes to know, how Faye Broock has settle in at The Cherry Tree? Faye Broock quickly makes herself free of the embraising of Kika Miller, and blushingly answarng, she has settled well in at The Cherry Tree, and has a cosy time at The Cherry Tree.

Gabriella Lannon can see it, and want to know, if Faye Broock will look after Atticus Lannon, while Gabriella inspects the cherries with Kika Miller.

Faye Broock immediately takes Atticus Lannon to find Kyle Farry and leaves Gabriella Lannon and Kika Miller allone.

At the forest Gabriella Lannon finds her brother, Jonathan Tripler, to show her and Kika the cherry Trees, which Kika Miller doesn't mind at all at all.

While Jonathan Tripler shows the new cherries between the frish leaves, Kika Miller amorously starts cuddling Jonathan Tripler, and she pays more interrest in him, than she's paying interrest in the cherries.

When Gabriella Lannon comes to The Cherry Tree in the evening, to pick up Atticus Lannon, Kika Miller and Jonathan Tripler are firmly engaged in kissing and cuddling each other.

Faye Broock is serving the supper for Kyle Farry, Gabriella and Atticus Lannon, and Jonathan Tripler, who's cuddling with Kika Miller while they eat the supper.

Kika Miller tells Gabriella Lannon, she has seen, what's she had came to see, but she likes to stay in Winefork a bit longer.

Early Summer, Kika Miller and Jonathan Tripler have an flirtatious walk under the cherry trees of Winefork kissing and cuddling as they use to.

Jonathan Tripler declares his love for Kika Miller, and she loves him, too; but he has to be patient and wait for the cherries to grow, before he's allowed to pop her cherry.

In the evening, Jonathan Tripler walks Kika Miller home to The Cherry Tree, where Faye Broock awaits with supper.

At night, when Jonathan Tripler has finisned eating and Faye Broock has carried out the used dishes, he's tenderly kissing and cuddling Kika Miller goodbye for a long time, before he returns to the farm house.

Kika Miller asks Faye Broock, if she like to come with her to her lodging, because she likes to talk with her, and they goes to her lodging.

Snuggling with Faye Broock at her lodging, Kika Miller admites to Faye, she really desires banging with Jonathan Tripler, but she daren't. Kika is in general terrified, there might come a yet an other child out of it. She know, from her sister, Lou Belley at Upper Tamwood, that Becky Liebermann at the pharmacy in Malbourgh, is selling tiny bottles of contraception potion, enabling a woman, for a month, to make love with a man, without having the fear of getting pregnant, but Malbourgh is a long way from Winefork.

Faye Broock explains to Kika Miller, there don't have a pharmacy in Lewinton Shire. Eigther, you attents a pharmacy in an other shire, which is willing to sell you contraception potion, or you stik to your own gender to avoid getting an unexpected child. Faye is from the top of Lewinton Shire, and she loves to get somebody's trouser snake, however, she loves to be a butch of Kika Miller, to avoid getting untimely babies.

Then Faye Broock and Kika Miller makes love before they go to sleep.

It's raining, when Kika Miller and Faye Broock are snuggling at The Cherry Tree, while Kyle Farry is cleaning as usual the table after breakfast. when Jonathan Tripler enters The Cherry Tree.

Faye Broock immediately goes find Kyle Farry, and Kika Miller is showing attention to Jonathan Tripler.

Jonathan Tripler thinks it will be rain all day, and he doesn't wants to go to the forest today.

Hench, Jonathan Tripler and Kika Miller is spending the day together cuddling at the shug of The Cherry Tree.

Midsummer, As usual, Faye Broock wakes up at the lodging of Kika Miller and goes to work, without waking Kika up. As the maid at The Cherry Tree, she does coock breakfast for her self, Kika Miller and Kyle Farry. When Kyle and Kika Showed up, they were eating breakfast together, and Kika and Faye was snuggling together, while Kyle is cleaning out the table after breakfast.

Snuggling, Kika Miller likes Faye Broock to go with her to the forest, but Faye insisted, she has some cliening to do at The Cherry Tree. Kika Miller insistes as the lodger, they shall go, though Kyle Farry complained, Faye is the maid, and he has to do all the work, and then they went walking in the forest.

Jonathan Tripler quikly finds Kika Miller and starts kissing her.

At Winefork, the cherry Trees had already deflowered, but under one of them, Ricco Hill spots the alluring Faye Broock, who applied for work at the castle.

Faye Broock immediately recognizes the entrancing lieutenant of Lewinton Castle, and starts to introduce, the dealer in wine from Malbourgh, Kika Miller.

Cheerfully Faye Broock tells Ricco Hill, she now got a position as maid at The Cherry Tree, and is's much more fun, than being a guard at the castle. Ricco Hill suggests her, to ride along with him to The Cherry Tree.

Faye Broock hugs Kika Miller goodbye, and tells her, they get to see her again in the evening. Then she jumps up the carriage next to the side of Ricco Hill, and rides along to The Cherry Tree.

When Faye Broock has driven off with Ricco Hill, Kika Miller and Jonathan Tripler starts kissing and cuddling until Kika reminds Jonathan, her brother wasn't more than 17, when he made Janet Miller pregnant for the first time, and her sister, Lou, had to marry their cousin, Gwilym Bellerby, last year, because he made her pregnant.

Jonathan Tripler shall not try to allure her to make any thing with her without contraception potion.

Jonathan Tripler suggests, they go to his sister, Gabriella Lannon,to get a crate of wine for the nobles at the inn.

In the evening, Kika Miller and Jonathan Tripler arrives with a crate of Lannon's cherry wine to The Cherry Tree.

Sheilas Farry asks Kyle Farry to serve the wine while Faye Broock is servinng the supper for Sir Gareth of Lewinton, Eileen Twinley, Ricco Hill, Kika Miller, and Jonathan Tripler.

During supper, Eileen starts a conversation with Kika Miller, who explains, her father, Gordon Miller, is selling Lannon's Cherry Wine from his shop at Malbourgh. When her brother, Ginger Miller, made yet an other child on his wife, Janet Miller, Kika Miller's sister, Lou, had enough, because she thinks, she's running the business, while Ginger is banging his wife. Thus she decided, she and Kika Miller should go to Winefork to see the cherriy trees flowering at Winefork, but their cousin from Tamwood, Gwilym Belley, made her pregnant, and she had to return to Upper Tamwood as sheriff. Now, here she is, at Winefork, to see the cherry Trees flowering again.

Eileen Twinley agrees to it. Her brother, Joplin Twinley, jollily bangs with all the wemmans, he meets, including the friends of Eileen Twinley, and her cousin, here, Ricco Hill, wasn't more that 16, when he made his wife Paige Hill pregnant the first time. Men has no inhibitions, when it comes to making fun.

After supper, Sir Gareth of Lewinton gets flirtatious by drinking the wine, and starts cuddling with Eileen Twinley. He fancies to see Eileen Twinley dance attractively for him.

Eileen Twinley starts dancing alluretely in front of Sir Gareth of Lewinton and Ricco Hill, Faye Broock, Kika Miller and Jonathan Tripler at the snug of The Cherry Tree.

Jonathan Tripler gets seduced by the dance of Eileen Twinley, and tells Kika Miller, is is a shame, the do not have any contraception potions, while he's kissing and cudling her.

When Ricco Hill's returning with the crate, Eileen Twinley is still dancing alluring for Sir Gareth of Lewinton, and Faye Broock is snugling with Kika Miller, while they cheeringly drinks more of the wine, and getting more and more intoxicated.

Ricco Hill is putting the box of contraception potion on the table, and says, he has some contraception potion, that they can use, if Kika Miller and Jonathan Tripler want to banging one an other.

Kika Miller looks suspisiourly at the box with bottles of contraception potion, but Faye Broock cheerfully and challencely graps a bottle from the crate and consumes the contents. Then she says, the girls shall make fun with the boys tonight and kissed Ricco Hill.

Kika Miller quickly snaches the rest of the box with bottles of contraception potion, and asks Jonathan Tripler, if he wants to join her at her lodging.

At the lodging of Kika Miller, Jonathan Tripler and Kika Miller makes love until they fall a sleep together.

Next morning Jonathan Tripler and Kika Miller are snuggling together, when they wake up.

When Jonathan Tripler and Kika Miller finally comes down for breakfast, Sir Gareth of Lewinton and his company has left and Kyle Farry is pretty grumpy, because Faye Broock has gone to sleep after breakfast at her lodging, but he does provides some breakfast for them.

After Jonathan Tripler and Kika Miller have been eating breakfast, they are bumping uglies again, before they are taking a romantic walk in the forest.



Janet Miller gives birth to Bernard Miller.


Jonathan Tripler Marries Kika Miller.


Kika Tripler gives birth to Pearce Tripler.